Topic Question Answer

Which Disease Should We Cure First?

After taking into consideration all of the interviews and research that we have conducted in the last two weeks, we discussed which disease out of the four we thought was the deadliest and the one we thought we should cure first.

After much research and discussion we found that Malaria was the deadliest disease as it has the highest kill rate and the second highest burden rate. People are beginning  to recognise the seriousness of this disease and are taking action to help cure it. Malaria is slowly decreasing and the disease is starting to fade. Saying this, Tuberculosis has the 5th highest kill rate and the 5th highest burden rate. Cancer is also a main killer in Australia but it mainly occurs in people aged 40-60. Most people in 3rd world countries don't live to that age as they are battling with other curable diseases. We took this into consideration and did not believe cancer was the disease we should cure first.

The age that malaria most commonly strikes people is from ages 0-5. This is devastating as they haven't experienced life yet and their lives as well as their future potential are never realised.

Overall we believe that Malaria is the disease that we should cure first as it is the most deadly and as well as that has the second biggest burden rate, this is a major problem and it kills young people who have their whole lives to live.